Working in construction is hard work, so it’s important to reward your crew with an ice cream party when you hit a big milestone! It doesn’t need to be complicated or expensive—all you need is some delicious ice cream and a few fun add-ons. Here are a few tips for planning the perfect ice cream party for your hardworking construction crew.

  1. Choose an easily accessible space- You don’t need much space to host an ice cream party—a flat paved spot for the truck or just enough room for a 10x10’ tent for service and we’ll serve super fast! We’ll pre scoop just before lunch break begins so there’s rarely a line and everyone can enjoy their treats without bumping into each other.

  2. Size matters. Most of our construction clients love to choose the Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich Bar. Big yummy ice cream sandwiches are the perfect keep energy and sugar levels high during a long shift!

  3. Once you have your crew gathered and everyone enjoying their sweet treats, follow up with some cheerful music and also fun is a RAFFLE!!! Giving away movie tickets, gift cards, and fun prizes is a great way to keep morale high and add a thank you to their day!

An ice cream party is an easy way to show appreciation for your hardworking construction crew! With these tips in mind, you’re sure to plan a great ice cream party that will bring smiles and full bellies all around!

Recess Wizard